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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : Looking for dual sim for K800i
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BA Posts: 34

Hi all

Had a quick look through the forums and there are a few ideas but some of the ones where I have to cut the sim cards to fit really do not appeal.

I have a K800i on Vodafone that I have paid for the unlocking code and it should arrive in the next few days. Basically what I want to do is keep the Vodafone sim and also use my work o2 sim as I am unable to send MMS on my work sim. My work sim is also not 3G but the Vodafone one is.

I have found this product and it appears it will do what I need it to do but would love some feedback from anyone who has used one of these in a similar way to how I have explained above.


Posted: 2007-05-30 00:19:15
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