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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : G on top of K790i signal bars?
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alex_mayorga Posts: 40

Hello all,

My carrier is probing UMTS/HSDPA in parts of the city I live according to this PDF

And I've spotted some weird thing behavior in my K790i. There used to be an E next to the signal bars and now sometimes it's replaced by a G.

My questions:

- Is it normal?
- Does that mean the K790i is UMTS/HSDPA capable?
- If not, what does that means?

Thanks in advance.
Posted: 2007-06-08 02:08:29
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Marly Posts: > 500

The G stands for GPRS and I suppose the E is for EDGE ( I have the K800i, which doesn't support EDGE ).
So this is normal, when you phone looses EDGE-coverage, it uses GPRS instead.
Posted: 2007-06-08 02:33:56
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alrodlop35 Posts: 461

You're spot on Marly.
Posted: 2007-06-08 03:56:33
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alex_mayorga Posts: 40

Thanks to you two.

The manual doesn't mention that.

Can you point me to some or any other brands nice UMTS/HSDPA phones?
Posted: 2007-06-08 05:06:27
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RevoWution Posts: 231

On 2007-06-08 02:33:56, Marly wrote:
The G stands for GPRS and I suppose the E is for EDGE ( I have the K800i, which doesn't support EDGE ).
So this is normal, when you phone looses EDGE-coverage, it uses GPRS instead.

I learnt something new today

Now I can go to sleep feeling proud about myself
Posted: 2007-06-11 16:33:21
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jakontil Posts: > 500

SE havnt got a hsdpa enabled phone just yet, nokia hav da most, motorola hav razr v3xx i think, n personaly i use my O2 atom life for high speed data
Posted: 2007-06-11 17:07:59
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sranjanm2002 Posts: 271

Most of the GPRS networks are now EDGE powered.


[ This Message was edited by: sranjanm2002 on 2008-01-05 08:28 ]
Posted: 2008-01-05 09:27:52
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