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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : o2 3G.
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poisongirl13 Posts: 22

O2 have just agreed to send me a new (free of charge) PAYG 3G SIM card, after me asking if my orginal SIM card was 3G compatible.

I've asked them if it was possible to change my old number to the new SIM card, and they've said that they will do that for me.

But I was just wondering (this maybe a bit of a stupid question...), if my new SIM card will still be able to get the same free texts I receive every month, and also will my exsisting credit be transfered onto my new SIM card?

[I do realize this question has probably been asked, or it is an incredibly stupid question, but if someone would be so kind as to answer it, or point me in the direction of an answer, I would be very grateful]
Posted: 2007-06-08 11:17:57
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Seanyb2 Posts: > 500

Yes it will as i did the same when i found out mine was not 3G. At the end of the day its still the same account its just another sim card which is registered on your number. Simple.

This message was posted from a 6233
Posted: 2007-06-08 11:48:05
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poisongirl13 Posts: 22



Thankyou =]
Posted: 2007-06-08 11:58:03
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