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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : P990, is it worth it yet?
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maciekish Posts: 82

Im starting a new thread because i once was an owner of a P990. It was back in the days when it had huge memoryleaks and lots of problems (just as it was released). Now im wondering if any of this has been fixed.

There are far too many threads to read about the P990i so i just want a short answer. Is the P990 operating normally now?

Posted: 2007-07-10 20:08:36
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viraltrojan Posts: 4

Same boat mate! Got one along nov 2006 with the original firmware and had some livable compromises.. disposed it and got 2 nokia's .... fast forward 3 days ago... disposed the 2nd enokia and got another P990 with the latest firmware. So far so good, no hangs, bugs or the compromises I had .... yet again there are units that are still plagued... I'd say the odds in the gamble of getting a compromised one is lower now...

Posted: 2007-08-08 16:24:13
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michael the mage Posts: > 500

If your phone's hardware is okay, and you have the latest fw (world1) then it is quite good to work with... if you like the p990s style
Posted: 2007-08-17 16:42:02
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