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Market : Mobile phones wanted : PDA phone
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ptx Posts: 10

I'm looking for a smart phone, a phone/PDA hybrid. I like easy-to-use, phone shaped ones with keypad on flip. Like Ericsson R380, or P800.
Is there any other product of this kind?
N9210 is much too big for me, the other PDA phones (that I know of) don't have real keypad (e.g. Accompli)
Posted: 2003-01-07 17:25:00
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jcpsad Posts: > 500

you already said it... go get the P800
Posted: 2003-01-07 17:27:00
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ptx Posts: 10

) As soon as I can get one. I'm looking for it, but I had no opportunity to see or try any so far.

But is there no other phone like that? (I mean the keypad flip) I don't really need a digital camera and mpl3 player, just a smart phone...

Posted: 2003-01-07 17:51:00
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jellyellie Posts: > 500

Well when you said "smart phone" that reminded me of a phone. Is it the Orange SPV? That's kinda smart but less of a PDA. Doubt it's any use.
Posted: 2003-01-07 18:00:00
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ptx Posts: 10

No, I didn't mean that Windows powered Smartphone, just a "smart phone" :o)
(BTW as I know it was also the nick of old R380.)
Anyway there is no Orange in my country. And no P800 so far...
Posted: 2003-01-07 18:09:00
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jellyellie Posts: > 500

lol, i know u didn't mean it, i was just sayng that that's what came in2 my head.
Posted: 2003-01-07 18:12:00
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