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occupied Posts: 99

in the latest move that will expand pockets which have already been expanded, WSJ mobile will charge users for the news.
so, do you think news (in mobile) should be free?

here are some news 'pricing schemes' i encounter during my mobile life:

(1) pay for access to entire content on the site. if you're a indonesian mobile subscriber, 5-6 years ago you can read news at [Detikcom/url] or [url=]Kompas wap site at IDR 10,000 (about USD 1) per month. that's could be cheap, because the access is unlimited, but on the other hand, with wap/gprs fee IDR 10-35 per kilobyte for prepaid subscribers which is the majority, that's ain't cheap. funnily enough, it's free if you read news on their web sites. with the help from friendly insiders, i've successfully dodged the subscription. but that was a very long time ago.
(2) pay for specificities only; like CNBC's in-depth and analyses on nokia store - the news agency is selling news like mobile apps.
(3) service providers partner with local news protal, so users don't have to be bothered with who gets what plan so long as they get what they're looking for. that's what yahoo's doing.
(4) access via sms, which is ridiculously expensive: IDR 1,000-2,000 per sms (160 characters).

why should i care with this, one may ask? my ultimate goal in this life is to use anything without paying/spending a dime if i could, and free news on the net fit that goal. i fear the triffle down effect of that pricing malarkey: if WSJ can do that, why the others can't? remember, the technology that drives the internet is ME TOO technology. if that should to happen, i'll surely lose my free sources.

[ This Message was edited by: occupied on 2009-09-25 11:43 ]
Posted: 2009-09-16 07:07:00
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fbloise Posts: > 500

I think the same, but remember most of the newspaper companies are having a huge money loss since people read the news online rather than reading the newspaper.
thats why they planning to charge us by reading online, some kind of subscription. Others companies use Advertisement as a method to counteract the high production prices.
Posted: 2009-09-16 14:39:45
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occupied Posts: 99

i don't think it's simply because they're running out money - most media own several other media.

let's see it from brighter sides:
1) this is a natural selection by nature. it's said, journalism sells brains. question is, whose brain you sell, *not* how you sell it.
2) less printed edition means less paper needed. less paper needed means less forest cut off, yes? oh but according to the latest harvard's research you need to pump *more* carbon to atmosphere to make sure your internet driven meeja up and running, you argue. true, but given a choice between unemployment and more harmful carbon on one hand and on another, stopping deforrestation, i'll take the latter. and you know what? some people even have gone green by endorsing customers to use less paper. kudos to them.
3) since we all tend to be journos, job vacants left open by those laid off or otherwise voluntarily departed brains would be filled by Ikatan Wanita Penyebar Isu, IWAPI (loosely translated as Fretty Women's Association-Issues Transmitters, FWA-IT.)
4) meeja conglomeration, ownership concentration on one or on a few of several hand may potentially lead to abuse, or worse, hinder freedom of speech.

what think you?

ps. sorry for lagging in response.

Posted: 2009-09-28 05:41:00
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occupied Posts: 99

please use translation tools such as google translation if you don't understand me.

lupa tanggalnya tapi yang jelas itu malam minggu dan KTT APEC di Singapura sedang berlangsung.
karena malam minggu, jam 12:00 wita pagi (masih jam 11 malam wib) saya masih bangun dan tidak ada pilihan siaran radio yang mengudara lagi, seperti biasa saya mendengarkan siaran Radio Republik Indonesia, RRI, di FM 96.5MHz.
waktu itu dari RRI Bogor (mungkinkah ada hubungan dengan kediaman Presiden SBY yang ada di Bogor?) tentang batik sebagai warisan budaya bangsa.
tidak ada yang salah dengan topik malam itu: tentang keharusan anak sekolah dan pegawai instansi pemerintah di Bogor memakai batik pada hari tertentu sebagai upaya menghargai batik sebagai warisan budaya nusantara sampai dengan akan diadakannya pameran koleksi batik yang antara lain juga akan menghadirkan koleksi ibunda Presen Obama.
demikianlah, sampai sesi interaktif di buka. ada seorang pemirsa yang terus-terusan masuk dan tampaknya operator pada malam itu juga sangat permisif yang menjelek-jelekkan salah satu negara tetangga (sebut saja Malaysia) yang menurut dia telah melakukan perampokan dengan mengklaim batik sebagai budaya mereka.
terlepas dari benar tidaknya anggapan pemirsa tersebut (dan mungkin sebagian kita), saya melihat sentimen anti-Malaysia memang sengaja diciptakan oleh pihak tertentu untuk kepentingan politik atau bisnis mereka. melihat betapa sisteamtisnya upaya itu, orang-orang ini adalah bagian dari pihak yang berkuasa. mungkin itu ditujukan untuk saya sebagai pribadi. dan mungkin mereka melihat saya sebagai musuh setelah menyatakan simpati pada Noordin Top (lihat posting saya di bagian lain forum in), dan pembelaan saya terhadap Malaysia di forum greenpeace. yang jelas saya melihat ini ada hubungannya dengan keanehan-keanehan yang saya alami selama ini.
ini sepertinay masalah dendam. kalau semata-mata masalah keamanan nasional atau penegakan hukum mustinya setelah tidak menemukan apa-apa, segera menghentikan operasinya atau kalau kurang rasa malunya dan ingin menjaga muka, mundur perlahan-lahan. ini juga membuktikan tuduhan bahwa pihak berkuasa menggunakan segala macam rupa cara untuk mempertahankan kekuasaannya bukan tidak berdasar.
yang sangat patut disesalkan disini adalah digunakannya lembaga penyiaran publik seperti RRI.

Posted: 2010-01-16 06:05:00
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tranced Posts: > 500

@ocuppied: you cannot post these things like if it was our native language. Remember there are more regional forums where you can post this
Posted: 2010-01-16 06:12:02
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