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Trickois Posts: 149

Good find Goldenface :

+1 to their conclusion of the review:

"The whole experience screams quality from the packaging to the lining of the case. Whilst some may bemoan the premium pricing over other cases, I would argue that such an expensive handset deserves a stylish and well designed case. The Noreve case fits the bill perfectly and compliments one of the prettiest touchscreen phones on the market today."
What I was tying to say in my review, but put better.

To anyone considering the PDAir case, it's definitely worth a look, one of our local shops swears by them. I haven't seen their X10 case, but have been a little underwhelmed in the past, whereas the Noreve just blew me away.
Posted: 2010-05-05 15:41:12
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AndyD777 Posts: 327

I am just waiting for my DPair case at the moment.

ll post pictures once it arrives.
Posted: 2010-05-06 11:39:03
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end0rphine Posts: 12

Wow thanks moogoo. Bought the ClearCoat based on your review, and I must say I'm pretty impressed. The real advantage for me was the extraordinary thinness which should prevent massive fraying at the seams, therefore more survivability in my pocket

Just waiting on my noreve case now.
Posted: 2010-05-06 12:34:15
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moogoo Posts: > 500

@end0phine - glad you like it! Just keep it clean and there should be minimal smudging and fingerprints!
Posted: 2010-05-06 14:08:39
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brij6361 Posts: 9

Just want to make sure -
Do you have applied clear coat on side as well ?
You applied clear coat on back cover with cover on phone or you removed back cover before applying clear coat?
Impressed from this forum and ordered clear coat. will be here in a week or so.

Posted: 2010-05-12 12:06:19
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end0rphine Posts: 12

I would recommend you remove the back cover. Much easier.
Posted: 2010-05-15 16:33:16
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cactus_thorn Posts: 5

Mobilefun UK offered me a Silicone case for review. I am using that instead of the leather pouch offered by Sony. Its pretty good. The obvious disadvantage is that it reduces X10's style quotient by hiding the the chrome. But, it isn't ugly per say.
It fits the phone well, pressing the buttons is still very easy and it covers the backside from scratches.
Here are some photos of the Silicone case for X10.
As far as the screen is concerned I am using the one provided by SE (not the one that comes pre-applied, but the one that is provided separately). I didn't notice any reduction in sensitivity. But, I think I may grab this. It is cheap and looks good enough. Any comments on this would be appreciated.

Posted: 2010-05-22 08:08:53
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brij6361 Posts: 9

Hi, got a quick question. I can not peel off my original SONY screen protector, I would I do that? or keep it as it is and apply clearcoat on top of it? please help.
Posted: 2010-05-23 09:07:48
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brij6361 Posts: 9

Used scotch tape but can not able to remove se screen protector.
Got another stupid question.... do I need to remove plastic from phone later and clear coat stays there or need to keep that plastic on the phone as well?
Posted: 2010-05-23 10:08:19
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Oniiko Posts: 32

... FINAL UPDATE - as promised

I now have moderate experience with both INVISIBLE SHIELD BODY and CLEAR COAT SCREEN protection

Firstly in terms of raw product they are both very SIMILAR;


This is virtually the same - despite their acclaimed measurements they are basically the same trust me.
If want to split hairs then yes Clear-Coat does appear to be slightly thinner, there's less of an orange peel/texture to it.
In contrast to that the InvisibleShield appears to offer a similarly fractional improvement on protection.


Both can and will feel rubbery, with finger movement resistence - amplified if fingers are moist.
Smooth finger gestures can be achieved on both if fingers are not moist and smoothness WILL improve with usage


The Invisible Shield screen protector has cut arounds for the LED notification and the black oval next to it (excuse my lack of knowledge, is it a camera for 3g video calling?) anyway this adds to the visibility of the protector.
The Clear-Coat is a full panel protector like the original SE one thats fitted which covers these parts.
Both screen protectors fit quite well and besides the cut arounds with the IS they fit the same.

I havent had experience with the Clear-Coat back protection so cannot comment.
The IS back protector fits as near perfect as you will get.

The IS coverage for the side of the phone is pretty rubbish, you wont want this when its on so I took mine off.
For info sake, sides arent fully covered and they have cut the side with the volume rocker wrong so the camera button gets covered by the protector rather than it being cut around - I've tried emailing them but they havent acknowledged this problem - you can see for yourself in pics.


I found both were VERY CLEAR. Although the Invisible Shield appeared to reflect light more, probably due to its more prominent texture/orange peel effect. The Invisible Shield on the back of the phone is discoloured too. Having the white X10 it is more noticible. It didnt seem to effect the screen though.
Not sure if the Clear-Coat discolours.


Again both products are identical, no difference noticed with screen responsiveness. Both films were fitten on top of the factory fitted protector.


IMO there is only this one major difference that seperates the two.


This is where the issues lie and is probably the most important and key point here;

ZAGG - Manufacturers of the Invisible Shield just havent got this right. The solution comes in a tray accompanied with a black sponge-like - well sponge I guess. This black sponge has a tendancy to leave bits of itself on anything it has contact with. So after being very careful to clean working areas, hands and phone parts of all dust and lint, when wetting the Invisible Shield with this sponge all your efforts are wasted as you see the shield covered in little black bits.

- Then you find yourself in a situation where your protective film is wet, but not clean and its a nigtmare to try and work around.
OK its not that bad and you dont always get these bits off the sponge but its still a problem and can/did occur.

Wetting the Invisible Shield evenly was also difficult using this sponge - I tried many different ways.
It led me to believing that the best way was to wet the handset and its parts alot my squeezing the solution out of the sponge to reduce the chance of these 'bits' being stuck to my device.

IS provide a credit card-like plastic squeegy as well, if used without surface of shield being wet then it will damage the shield.

CLEAR-COAT - Have got this spot on. Their solution spray application method is perfect for this. No contact, even coverage, no need to wet the device - Brilliant!
Their squeezy is also better, being smaller and rubber based it offers more flexibility and a cleaner more accurate method. This will also damage the film if you squeegy without enough solution though.

I installed the Invisible Shield using the solution and squeegy from the Clear-Coat and the end result was practically the same. Both just as easy to fit.


Although both products are very similar, the differences in ease of application result in different outcomes of experiences.

If you buy the InvisibleShield then use a spray nozzle bottle to apply the solution and be careful when using the squeegy. You can get excellent results with both products.

In terms of overall product then simply due to the better application process, the Clear-Coat is best.
If I was just looking for screen protection that looked the best it can then I would choose Clear-Coat simply because you are going to have a much better experience fitting it and the slightly smoother/less reflective finish is better.

I do feel it necessary to say that if I had a spare SE protector included in my X10 box then I probably wouldnt be using any of these additional protectors. The use of these is for the purpose of preserving my only 1 factory fitted protector that is already on the phone. If you really do not want to compromise your experience of the X10 in the slightest way then it already has some screen protection so just roll with that.

Hope my comments help!
[ This Message was edited by: Oniiko on 2010-05-31 13:38 ]

Posted: 2010-05-31 14:20:34
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