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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Posted: 2010-07-13 19:03:00
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Tom-Helge Posts: 8

And where is the link to the full resolution of those pictures?

But i don't think you want to me to post my pictures that i have taken with my XPERIA X10, because those are better than the iPhone 4 pictures here.

EDIT: Nevermind, i'm gonna post one picture taken by my XPERIA X10 anyways. Just check this Picture out.

The picture might not be as clear as the pictures are from iPhone 4, but check how little noise there is on that picture from me. The iPhone 4 have alot of noises in the pictures it takes.

So the overall picture quality just looks better on the XPERIA X10.
[ This Message was edited by: Tom-Helge on 2010-07-13 19:21 ]

Posted: 2010-07-13 19:06:40
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

What's wrong with the blue in 2 of them photos it looks like they have been drawn in by a crayon. Sorry but where & what exactly is different or better about the pictures here? I fail to see them as better than a DSLR or near to compact camera quality or better than every other camera phone on the market. The 3rd picture down there is blurring in the distance with the trees & no detail at all. My X10 is far better I am sorry to say to you & ruin your thread. But you put them up here for people to see & debate over you will get opinions. The truth is your judging them imo by the retina display correct me if I am wrong? And how is it the best? It has no Xenon flash & I still think the best(not judging by mega pixels)camera phone around still is the Satio for all round quality. You talk of uploading your pics on the iphone 4 to Face Book. So does half the touch screen mobiles out there today do the same it's nothing new Why did you not do a comparison thread to one or two other top camera phones instead with full size photos? Iphone 4 yes is a great phone but not the best camera phone on the market by a long shot
[ This Message was edited by: Bonovox on 2010-07-13 18:54 ]

Posted: 2010-07-13 19:52:21
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jj03 Posts: > 500

agreed with bono. While they are ok, they are hardly 'the best'. I can think of quite a few handsets that, judging from the pics you posted, take far better pics than the iphone4. I was expecting a link with a quote from mr jobs sayin it is. .therefore it is. Lol.
Posted: 2010-07-13 23:11:00
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Barachus Posts: 240

On this forum saying the iPhone is the 'best' at anything is like a red rag to a bull.
I am actually very disappointed in the lack of proper venom and raving detractions in the replies
Posted: 2010-07-13 23:54:22
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harry20larry Posts: 338

I think I didn't clarify my point clearly. This is my humble opinion, I am not forcing it onto you, I am sharing it...
I have never met a person with a compact or a cam phone that actually uses pictures taken on it for stuff you would use a DSLR for, please say if you have. My argument is, that most photos these days end up on social network. Whilst I am definitely not saying the iPhone has the best quality sensor on the market, I am saying that I believe that it does the best job out any cam phone or compact of taking good quality photo, then processing it, then uploading to which ever site.
Of course I know that other phones can do this, but they come nowhere near to the iPhone regards how they do it, I have owned both, I can honestly say the iPhone is so far ahead of anything. The proof of the pudding here is the fact that the iPhone is the second most used camera on flickr, behind the rebel. And it is also the most used phone to upload photos to facebook. These must say something?

Although the xenon flash on my dslr is very good, my experience with the xenon flash on my SE phones was terrible. Pictures had dust reflection in them, anything as close 3m was flash burnt. I am not saying led does any better, but I think there is still much work needed to be done to make mobiles shoot good photos in the dark.

Just my two cents...
Posted: 2010-07-14 00:02:52
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skblakee Posts: > 500

On 2010-07-14 00:02:52, harry20larry wrote:
My argument is, that most photos these days end up on social network. Whilst I am definitely not saying the iPhone has the best quality sensor on the market, I am saying that I believe that it does the best job out any cam phone or compact of taking good quality photo, then processing it, then uploading to which ever site.

Okay then, there you go. That argument I can understand. Software wise Apple might be the best then.

Posted: 2010-07-14 03:11:06
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MyP910 Posts: 500

you should look at this thread :

even the mini produce amazing pictures
[ This Message was edited by: tranced on 2010-07-14 04:43 ]

Posted: 2010-07-14 05:09:11
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max_wedge Posts: > 500

On 2010-07-14 00:02:52, harry20larry wrote:
Of course I know that other phones can do this, but they come nowhere near to the iPhone regards how they do it, I have owned both, I can honestly say the iPhone is so far ahead of anything. The proof of the pudding here is the fact that the iPhone is the second most used camera on flickr, behind the rebel. And it is also the most used phone to upload photos to facebook. These must say something?

No, all it says is that the iphone eco system supports upploading to social sites better than other handsets. It says nothing about the camera's abilitites. I've been uploading photos to facebook and flickr ever since the SE K750, but the C905 and onwards can be classed as fair dinkum compact cameras. The iphone has always had a pretty mediocre camera, so now iphone 4 has fixed this but it hasn't put it in front of other flagship cameraphones - it has just narrowed the gap.

Although the xenon flash on my dslr is very good, my experience with the xenon flash on my SE phones was terrible. Pictures had dust reflection in them, anything as close 3m was flash burnt. I am not saying led does any better, but I think there is still much work needed to be done to make mobiles shoot good photos in the dark.

Just my two cents...

No, the xenon flash on the K800 was pretty mediocre (the K750 LED flash did a better job), but the xenon flash on C905 works really well up to 3 metres or so, and the Satio flash is better than many compacts, even illuminating subjects 5 metres distant or more.

Posted: 2010-07-14 11:52:29
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kay188 Posts: 31

The iPhone fail, sorry, I mean 4, is a 5MP camera phone... while the current standard for camera phones are 8MP, and slowly becoming 10MP, and 12MP.

Take a look at the Japanese phones released by DoCoMo, which are released by Panasonic, Sharp, Sony, NEC.
They're ALL 8MP and ABOVE.

The quality that comes from Sharp phones such as the SH-01A that started it all, is beyond anything the iPhone fail can ever capture.
Those phones have CCD sensors which are superior to CMOS in digital cameras.

Remember.. leading market is 12MP now.. where as the iPhone fail, is STILL a 5MP camera.

Hell, even video calling is SO 2008. I could do that with my K850.
Even the Japanese phones have had video calling since... EVER.

You can't say the iPhone fail is the best camera phone you've used.

Clearly you haven't used any better.

My 2c. Not to flame you.
Posted: 2010-09-27 15:39:41
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