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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Looking for a price for 50-100 SonyEricsson T68i phones
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< Esato Forum Index > Market > Mobile phones wanted > Looking for a price for 50-100 SonyEricsson T68i phones Bookmark topic
Shima Posts: 36


I'm looking for a price for such an amount of phones. Get back to me via PM or email:

I would also be interested in prices on:
MCA cameras (same amounts)
P800 phones (if any)
Nokia 3650 (same amounts)


Posted: 2003-02-13 08:56:00
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Ill give you good prices email me!
Posted: 2003-02-15 07:12:00
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T68iKING Posts: > 500

Hi, where would be the best place/country to buy large amounts (50-500) of phones from? Do you buy direct from say SE or Nokia, or do you have to find a distributor? Thanks for any help in advance, and i may give you a free phone (p800, T68i or 7250???:D), if i find a good price for the amount i want.
Posted: 2003-02-19 12:26:00
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T68iKING Posts: > 500

Posted: 2003-02-19 17:31:00
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