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laffen Posts: > 500

Samsung and HTC today disclosed financial numbers from the last quarter in 2011. HTC reports a 25% decrease in profit while Samsung celebrates an all time high profit.
Esato News

SamsungHTCfinancialresultsq42011 Both HTC and Samsung today released information about the previous quarter income and earnings. Where HTC is a smartphone manufacture only and rely mostly on number of sold mobile phones, Samsung has a foot in many electronic divisions such as LCD, semiconductor, digital media and telecom and therefore has spread the risk into other areas as well. We expect the following unaudited results to be close to the final results. The numbers from HTC tell us that things was much better in the past. Net income after tax in Q4 last year was 11,017 million Taiwan dollar (285 million Euro) down from NT$14,797 million (Euro 382 million) in 4Q 2010. This is a profit reduction of 25% quarter-to-quarter. Samsungs consolidated numbers are more pleasurable reading. The Korean company can look back on a profitable year with high smartphone sale figures caused by the popular Galaxy S II. Samsung's telecom division increased the operating profit by 81 according to Bloomber News. An increase of 36% compared to Q4 2010.source  (PDF), sourcesource
Posted: 2012-01-06 14:59:02
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

I wonder how Samsung did it
Cause the OS touch whizz is really horrible
Compared with HTC's better Sense system!

Another thing I guess people prob
Go for Samsung cos its a recognised brand
Whereas HTC only deal with Smartphones
As you say above but still my money's on HTC

Samsung I would prob just pay for other
Tech not a phone I was totally dissatisfied
With my tocca ultra II Samsung didn't address the prob
With it luckily Vodafone did!

Posted: 2012-01-06 15:34:38
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

At least TW is customizable unlike iOS. As for HTC they don't just make smartphone well they started out making computers. It stands for High Tech Computers. As for Samsung they are a much much better company than the crappy Tocco days you can never judge one company on one device.
[ This Message was edited by: Bonovox on 2012-01-07 18:09 ]

Posted: 2012-01-07 19:08:07
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Android is a customisable platform everyone knows this,
erm this is a topic on behalf of samsung and HTC iOS isn't involved here

I have no Quams with samsung there older devices were top end
and I cannot forget the old D600 2MP Camera it was the best camphone I had owned at the time
I didn't actually have a problem with the ultra II until the battery went bad on it after 12mths
I bought a new battery and it made the phone worse sent to samsung they sent it back without doing a thing to it
luckily Vodafone
sorted me a early upgrade

when it comes to layout and stuff HTC do that for me I find samsungs intervention abit odd round the edges
even system is better then theres
[ This Message was edited by: Miss UK on 2012-01-07 18:19 ]

Posted: 2012-01-07 19:18:24
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Exactly where is Samsung's intervention a little odd?? It's just the same as any other OS over Android platform with icons & such. What do you mean by Quams
Posted: 2012-01-07 19:23:41
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buntoo Posts: > 500

HTC phones are crappy.

Well Done Samsung

Posted: 2012-01-07 19:33:15
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

HTC have not really made a decent camera yet. Samsung just seem to go from strength to strength & seem to have the knowledge & power to do anything now. And they are the worlds biggest micro chip manufacturers
Posted: 2012-01-07 20:04:54
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Baha Samsung Fanboys
Posted: 2012-01-07 20:14:34
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Nooooo I ain't no fan boy of anyone I love Samsung,HTC,Sony Ericsson,Nokia etc variety the spice of life
Posted: 2012-01-07 20:22:40
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etaab Posts: > 500

@ Miss UK - keep in mind your views on touchwhiz are your own and not everyones opinion. A lot of people like touchwhiz. Personally i like touchwhiz and Sense about the same, but i do lean to touchwhiz more as its a little more bare bones. Sense is all about being pretty, but lacks functionality that you need to dig deeper into the Android OS unless you setup shortcuts. Still great and probably better for the average user though. I just prefer a challenge, which is why im still with Symbian after all.

Well i think Samsung thoroughly deserve to be at the top. They've moved with the times like Nokia used to. The first Galaxy S was a fantastic phone but did not stood out from other Android phones enough, but the SGS2 imo at least makes every other Android phone look mid range. Not strictly true, but the SGS2 is what i reckon the best all rounder.

Something i once found in SE and Nokia. The best all round phones used to be made by SE imo, then Nokia and now Samsung. Which is why my next phone will probably be a Samsung in the form of the SGS3.

Regarding HTC, i owned one of their earliest devices they released in the UK, the O2 XDA2. Great pda, but being a HTC was poor in the same areas from 2004 that HTC are poor in today. Poor camera quality and poor built quality. HTC phones creak, bend and are easily damaged. Their casing to me always feels egg shell thin.

Again, i like them all and would definitely go for a HTC, but sadly for HTC, Samsung exist.

Posted: 2012-01-07 21:43:03
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