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Information : Esato News Articles : LG might be working on a flagship model competing directly with the Galaxy S III from Samsung
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laffen Posts: > 500

Even though the Samsung Galaxy S III is still just a rumoured phone model, sources say that an unannounced D1L smartphone from LG will compete for the same customers


Esato News

Posted: 2012-04-10 11:08:52
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tan_aniki Posts: 19

Dual core fight with quad core? Anyway i already got my HTC One X~
Posted: 2012-04-10 11:44:24
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laffen Posts: > 500

Yes, dual-core can beat quad-core processors. Most mobile apps does not utilize multiple cores very well.

Posted: 2012-04-10 23:05:28
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Marly Posts: > 500

LG produced some phones with good hardware in the past, but they then spoiled them with the software.
Posted: 2012-04-11 21:04:23
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etaab Posts: > 500

I cant speak for the rest of the world but i dont think anything LG will do will work all that well in the UK. Being a phone geek i observe people every day who come in the store i manage and i can usually identify any manufacturers phone even if i cant ID the model and very rarely these days are there many LG handsets out there in peoples hands.

Posted: 2012-04-12 21:49:22
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