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laffen Posts: > 500

Samsung is already the world's largest maker of mobile phones. The Korean company recently said in an interview that it aims to increase the lead by selling over 200 million smartphones during 2012


Esato News

Posted: 2012-05-07 15:42:43
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

Too many Samsung's everywhere it's becoming another Apple
Posted: 2012-05-07 15:57:09
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etaab Posts: > 500

I wouldnt go that far. They're becoming another Nokia. I dont think anyone is capable of becoming another Apple other than Apple.
Posted: 2012-05-07 17:45:20
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Tsepz_GP Posts: > 500

Wow, thats quite a goal good luck to them i know they'll make it. Just last year they were aiming to be the largest maker in 2012,and they did it, and not only that, they managed to be the largest smartphone maker to, Sammy are on quite a roll lately.
Posted: 2012-05-07 17:57:43
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

I wonder if they make more with the
Phones or other Electricals they mass produce
TV Sets, American Fridges, Washing Machines, notebooks etc

Sounds impressive I'm abit sceptical
If this Galaxy the third can make it for
Them but I guess a lot of dingbats will
Buy it

Posted: 2012-05-07 18:54:23
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

I don't hate Samsung at all I have had many of their handsets. I just think things get boring when it's all Samsung,Apple etc becomes a bit samey with Sammy
Posted: 2012-05-07 20:12:10
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Guarulhos Posts: > 500

Despite the Supremacy Today All Existing In The World Of Samsung Mobile, IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE !

Well... Let's Be Practical Leaving Bigotry And Jingoism Cheap Side !

In Semester 2 This Year The Giant South Korean, As Well As Your Door Banner "GALAXY S III," Will Have To Front The Launch Of Great Devices From Its Major Competitors, Of Course Not Do The Same Success Excellent GALAXY S III, But Sell Very Good, Or Be, NOKIA 808 PUREVIEW, NOKIA Lumia 903, NOKIA LUMIA 950 PUREVIEW, MOTOROLA RAZR HD, SONY XPERIA LT29 GX, SONY XPERIA LT30 MINT, LG OPTIMUS 4X, LG OPTIMUS LTE II, HTC ONE X, HTC TITAN II (EUROPEAN VERSION), HUAWEI ASCEND D QUAD XL And Above The Great APPLE IPHONE 5 Will Be Directly Responsible For This Failure Ambitious PURPOSE COMMERCIAL !!!
Posted: 2012-05-07 22:47:44
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etaab Posts: > 500

@ Miss UK - its a bit harsh calling people dingbats just because they buy the S3. I'll stick my neck out and say the S3 WILL be more successful than the HTC One X, but i think without being biased its the better, or best Android phone that theres ever been.

Because of that, i dont think people wanting the best makes them a dingbat. If anything i'd call them the more intelligent.

Posted: 2012-05-08 11:38:29
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

here here and what about the crap i have to put up with for having a iPhone
Dingbat is more Polite then rude

btw S3 isn't on the Scene yet anyone bought one here? lets see after june if there is moaning customers about some random something
Posted: 2012-05-08 12:26:17
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etaab Posts: > 500

But you dont have to put up with anything. The iPhone is a great product and a great phone. It has been since launch in 2007.

People, especially like us in the know on this site, know that but tend to have a beef with Apple and not with their products, just like me. So i wouldnt call you anything, only the people that need to wake up (according to RIM) are the ones i get annoyed with.

I buy phones based on their best features and unless something comes along which tops the S3 in the next three weeks till its release, i'll more than likely be getting it. I held off getting the Nexus last year because it didnt live up to expectation, neither did the iPhone 5 -sorry - iPhone 4S
Posted: 2012-05-08 18:01:39
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