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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Symbian phones : Any real news on a substantial Firmware upgrade coming anytime soon??
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svenbocklandt Posts: 46

Hey there, I know there's been endless speculations about new firmware versions and what they would or should fix... etc. I was just wondering if anyone has some REAL info on if there's any substantial new firmware for the P800 coming out anytime soon?

I'm asking because I have the known audio issues with my R1B and don't want to get it upgraded (which, here in the US, means sending it off and going without for 5 days) IF there's some major new FW coming out two weeks later...

So if anyone KNOWS anything about a new FW, please post... thanks!
Posted: 2003-02-18 20:06:00
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Cytech Posts: > 500

last week one version was released, and yesterday yet another release was made... but don't except any bigger news in the firmware the next month since they are probably focused on correcting bugs...
Posted: 2003-02-18 20:08:00
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