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Sony Ericsson / Sony : Accessories : T39 & HBH15 Problems
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Imran Posts: 22


I just received my T39.
Very nice phone, very happy with it in general. Just a few niggling problems:

HBH15: Sometimes I can't transfer the call to the HBH15 with the T39 Bluetooth option on AUTO. SOmetimes I can, sometimes I can't. When I can't, I switch bluetooth to ON, and it's ay ok.

T39: When I receive a call from a number not in my book, It asks me if I want to save. When I say yes and go to enter then name, if I use the slider button on the side to select different characters it crashes! Switches itself on and off!!

Help me someone please!!!
Posted: 2002-02-28 18:43:00
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mrNoodles Posts: > 500

You probably need to have your software upgraded. Its one of the biggest problems Ericsson has! They develope a new product and releases it before its running stable. But maybe its worth the price of being first with new items
Posted: 2002-02-28 18:47:00
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