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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Squished!
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textuarytwo Posts: 4

Okay people, here's the deal.

I desperately need an Ericsson R310, possibly with a DBA-10 bluetooth adapter in exchange for my Nokia 7210 that's all boxed up and hardly used. I know, it sounds like a crazy deal, but I don't think my Nokia can take my escapades. I had a 5210, but that got a little bit squished after backing over my pack with the phone inside with my truck.

Anyone have one or knows where I can get one? Seems like they're golddust, or just plain old.

Cheers, Wil.

[ This Message was edited by: textuarytwo on 2003-04-14 17:10 ]
Posted: 2003-04-10 19:33:00
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ynohtna Posts: 278

Are u kidding?r310 in exchange of the 7210?whats the catch?is there money involvd or just pure barter? This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2003-04-11 16:09:00
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textuarytwo Posts: 4

No catch! I'm off climbing for the summer and I desperately need a phone that's a little more robust than the 7210 I got for xmas. I love my phone, but I don't think it's gonna take me knocking it about!
Posted: 2003-04-11 16:18:00
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ynohtna Posts: 278

OIC.where are you from? This message was posted from a T200
Posted: 2003-04-11 19:10:00
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textuarytwo Posts: 4

From the UK, but in Paris, France.
Posted: 2003-04-11 19:57:00
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