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General discussions : Rumours : P800 successor sneak preview
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lesneo Posts: 482

Many agents died to get you this info... Ladies and gentlemen, the P850 (mineral grey pic here) scheduled to be released Q4 2003/ Q1 2004...


Can someone copy this pic and post it on their server for all to see? Geocities not very reliable. Somehow not all may see the above pic...
Posted: 2003-05-27 04:50:21
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caff Posts: > 500

Looks fake to me !
Posted: 2003-05-27 04:52:26
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Sony Ericsson Indonesia Posts: > 500

Cant see...
Posted: 2003-05-27 04:53:48
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jplacson Posts: > 500

hmmm... I don't know what to say...

I'd buy it... it looks like an iPaq (at least the looks improved)

And as much as I like the Jog-Dial... I'm glad to see a D-pad instead.

This may or may not be the real plans for the P800 successor... but it looks promising... from the details I heard about it, it's supposed to have a 320x240 (not 208) 16-bit screen, less than 1" thick (thank God!), and a video/still cam (no details on resolution of new cam)
Posted: 2003-05-27 04:55:28
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n|ck_xp Posts: 363

Yea Yea nice try lesneo...
You have to improve your Photoshop skills
because this is nothing more than FAKE!
O by the way the P800 successor is going to have UIQ 2.1 your picture shows V2.0 and you forgot to remove the pocket pc buttons from the picture...
Just be serious man... Come on...
Posted: 2003-05-27 06:59:03
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