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General discussions : Rumours : Is this the real T68i successor
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jack00 Posts: > 500

my first thought when i saw this was: oh my god - this is the real T68i successor
when i read on i realized that there was a rumour that this is a siemens phone - OMG NO - BUT - this can't be a siemens, there are the se typical yes and no buttons, there is the joystick, this softbuttons > the whole design
but it could be that siemens wants to catch the people which were sad that the T610 looked so diffrent to the T68i ....
please contact all your se contacts and find out whats about this phone!
thanx alot
Posted: 2003-07-16 18:11:18
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jack00 Posts: > 500

come on guys, anyone has to know something - or did you have seen this phone?
Posted: 2003-07-16 22:17:57
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T68iKING Posts: > 500

Mate, this phone has been discussed before, it looks like a t-mobile phone (look closer, you can make out the t-mobile logo under the LCD). No doubt masseur, will provide a link for you to the original thread, with one of those: here links things, as i dont know how to use it properly

Sorry couldnt of been of more help
Posted: 2003-07-16 22:24:24
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-Vlad- Posts: 7

It's the Siemens ST55
Posted: 2003-08-07 14:32:35
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ThreeX Posts: > 500

...and itīs scheduled for release this fall (think it was September or October)
See for more details.
Itīs not for me though (even if i am very pro-Siemens) Because the lack of connectivity options and small memory. Too bad they didnīt go the extra mile..
Looking forward to S65 though, if they follow Siemens tradition, it will be better than t610 but alas.. arrive in the eleventh hour before the competition catches up or even pass
Posted: 2003-08-07 14:55:06
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tedsc456 Posts: 94

The problem with Siemens is that they will always be late with all their models since the use technology from Nokia and Ericsson.
Posted: 2003-08-07 15:32:37
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-Vlad- Posts: 7

The Sx1 should be fun. But again very late... For now I just stick with my T610.
Posted: 2003-08-25 14:27:42
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