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Market : Mobile phones wanted : losing memory
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slattery69 Posts: > 500

i downloaded a couple of mophun game demo from there wap site and before downloading i had 1733kb of memory.
tried the games and deleted them sending my phone back to how it was before downloading my memory now stands at 1702kb
so were has the memory gone. i know its not a large drop but it is concerning if its a trat of the phone as the memory is a little on the low side
any ideas on whats happening?
Posted: 2003-08-10 17:41:59
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wrath000 Posts: > 500

Have you tried clearing the cache?
Posted: 2003-08-10 17:45:01
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slattery69 Posts: > 500

tes tried clearing the cache the cookies and passwords but its still the same
very odd
Posted: 2003-08-10 19:22:03
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