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justarumour Posts: 11

does ANYONE actually talk sense on here ?

SE's global market share is 5.5%. Nokia's is 35% (50% in Euro and APAC).

Nokia intend to release a raft of new phones over the next 12mths (around 30+). SE to release ??? 3 maybe 4 ??

SE out of the CDMA market.
SE close Munich R&D Center
SE have made over 20000 redundancies in the past 24mths.
SE have acknowledged that it is unlikely to be profitable for the full 2003 year.

sounds like a company on the up.... NOT.


Posted: 2003-11-08 20:57:11
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

One big difference between nokia and :
makes good phones
Nokia makes bad phones but they sell anyway because afterall, it says nokia on the cover.
Even though has said that they maybe wont be profitable in hole 03 they have been profitable in Q3 and most probably will be in Q4.
Ericsson has also got their "nose above the water" and most economics people think that the Ericsson share is better to buy than the Nokia.
Also in Sweden, has past nokia in sales so, yes is a company on the way to the top!
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:10:59
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

smallest market share but the most talked about online.
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:14:29
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Oh yes, that to. And most good things said about them.
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:16:08
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drinker Posts: 92

@Universal Exports

Why do you say Nokia make bad phones?? Nokia don't necessarily have the latest technology, but 95% of people only care about voice calls, texting and increasingly photo messaging. Nokia generally handles these areas very well. A phone is good if it meets the customers needs, and Nokia phones do this for most people.

Posted: 2003-11-08 21:38:12
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Oh yes of course nokia don't just make bad phones, they have good phones too. But personally I prefer phones that don't explode .
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:43:31
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

hahaaa, thats a low blow.

i'm not interested in SE's future, only the 2 phones i got in my pocket...imagine it was just a ploy by Nokia to sell more original batteries??? ....hmmmm.
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:50:34
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Don't think so. And anyway the orignal batteries can explode to.
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:53:39
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

SE chargers can explode too, especially in the UK... Just to put things in contrast ;-) This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:57:39
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

On 2003-11-08 21:53:39, Universal Exports wrote:
Don't think so. And anyway the orignal batteries can explode to.

original batteries can explode too?

i've read press releases the made it quite clear this problem is specific only to 3rd party batteries and not once happened with original Nokia accessories, but if you know otherwise then please provide evidence....a simple link will do.
"In each and every reported case, the battery in question has been a non-original battery."

[ This Message was edited by: decoy7 on 2003-11-08 21:01 ]
Posted: 2003-11-08 21:59:10
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