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Market : Mobile phones wanted : wanted p800
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nismo300zx91 Posts: 6

hi i live in the usa and i really really want a p800 i dont want to spend too too much because the phone is out dated by the p900 i also want one is good condition. the only problem i had is i got screwed over when i bought a p800 for 300 dollars i send the person their money adn never got the phone i need a trust worthy seller who isnt going to screw me over and have my lawer get involved again. its a big mess if you haev an offer to sell you p800 email me im always avaliable.
Posted: 2003-11-13 05:23:06
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JiggyJaggy Posts: > 500

I have one for sale which is GSM for £250.
Posted: 2003-11-15 13:40:09
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pachy Posts: > 500

@nismo300zx91, where exactly do you live in US ??
Posted: 2003-11-16 07:41:07
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RichLok Posts: 331

I have a slightly used one (like new condition) that I'm willing to trade for a new iPod (3rd gen 20gb). I'm located in Southern California and would be willing to trade in person. PM me if you're interested.
Posted: 2003-12-19 22:54:56
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

I'm gonna be selling my BLACK p800 soon. Is pretty much as new as i've taken good care of it, had a screen protector since day 1!!

Anyway, If your interested pm me ASAP as I'm gonna put it on ebay in a week or so. But anyway, I'm based in the UK, so P+P might cost a little...

Anyway, i have an ebay rating etc... Let me know.
Posted: 2003-12-19 23:54:57
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