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General discussions : Rumours : The Nokia 6230!!
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malinda Posts: 381

Nokia 6230 THE PHONE for the next generation. Some ppl says it will be delayed till Q2 2004. I think Nokia planning to have a WAR with SE T650.
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:24:07
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masseur Posts: > 500

why another thread? Isn't this the same old story as this other thread that you started a while back?

Nokia 6230 Will Hit Big Time For SE

Posted: 2003-11-23 16:30:49
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judge Posts: > 500

Enough rubbing it in our faces already, malinda! And stop the T650 crap! This message was posted from a T39
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:36:30
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masseur Posts: > 500

oh, I don't think you need to be quite that harsh. I am interested though in how this thread is different from the previous?
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:39:52
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judge Posts: > 500

No, masseur, I'm quite used wiuh malinda by now. However, I DO HATE when people invoke an imaginary phone model against an already existing outstanding model from Nokia. This message was posted from a T39
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:44:26
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masseur Posts: > 500

well I am quite used to malinda too, and after all these months that I have read his posts I don't know why he doesn't just go buy a Nokia and be happy instead of continually waiting for the next
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:48:28
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MaThIbUs Posts: > 500

he? i always though it was a she
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:50:25
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judge Posts: > 500

Good point, masseur. For malinda, it's always the NEXT phone that exerts the greatest attraction. This message was posted from a T39
Posted: 2003-11-23 16:56:28
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masseur Posts: > 500

On 2003-11-23 16:50:25, MaThIbUs wrote:
he? i always though it was a she

no, Malinda is guy, he said so here

...Unless I'm very much mistaken

[ This Message was edited by: masseur on 2003-11-23 17:19 ]
Posted: 2003-11-23 17:27:25
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Jim Posts: > 500

Sounds like a she ...
Posted: 2003-11-23 19:00:50
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