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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Wanted T68i - swap for 3G e808?
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Jonathonoates Posts: 6

Hi, as in the title, I am looking to swap my NEC e808 which is un-used as I don't live in a 3g area (I only found this out after I bourght the phone) for a Sony Ericsson T68i (In Ice Blue) to go with my P800, for going out at night.

Any offers welcome, the '3 to Go' tarrif can be transfered if you would like, however in the UK a proper 'Three PAYG' tarrif is being launched that use vouchers, much like PAYG tarrifs you see today.

If you could reply to '' or if you use MSN Messenger my personal MSN/E-Mail address is ''

Thank you.

Posted: 2003-11-24 14:48:30
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Can swap for a T68 not the i version!....or if u like can swap for a nokia 8310?..
Posted: 2003-11-24 15:20:09
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Jonathonoates Posts: 6

I could buy new housing from eBay for it to make it go with the P800 Ice Blue look, so I am interested, would be more so if it had had its software updated to the T68i firmware.

If you have any pictures of it then please send them to my e-mail address.

So long as its in good condition I'll wait to see if I get any other responses, and if not I'll take your offer up.

Where abouts in the UK are you, if you live a fair way away from Chester then I am happy to send the e808 Special delivery.

If you are stil interested, please feel free to E-Mail me with any questions.
Posted: 2003-11-24 19:26:55
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