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General discussions : Rumours : Z1010 not the only SE 3G phone comeing out this year...
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mark.spiro Posts: 100

Taken from here and it seems to emply that mutiple handsets will be released from

'Edward Brewster, 3's head of media relations, won't comment on not taking up Nokia's flagship 3G phone, the 7600, except to say that "we want handsets on our network that support all our products and services". Including video calls, which Nokia's phones can't do. Both Motorola and Sony Ericsson have several new 3G video calling phones due to come on stream.'

Fingers Crossed!

Mark Spiro

[ This Message was edited by: mark.spiro on 2004-01-06 16:03 ]
Posted: 2004-01-06 17:03:12
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sn3ipen Posts: > 500

I hope will release a non clamshel umts phone.
Posted: 2004-01-06 19:00:32
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Dj Boyi Posts: > 500

I believe voda wont be using nokia 3g phones too! Its looking grim for nokia is'nt it :-D This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-06 19:13:18
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nils7 Posts: > 500

The P900 succecor appears to have UMTS...
will probably hit the shops at the end of 2004.
Posted: 2004-01-06 19:42:56
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Leks Posts: > 500

I think P1010 will come at the end of summer 2004...
Posted: 2004-01-06 19:52:12
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nils7 Posts: > 500

it is not called P1010 or P1000.... yes it has 'P' in it's name!
I won't go in any further details...

[ This Message was edited by: nils7 on 2004-01-06 19:25 ]
Posted: 2004-01-06 20:25:01
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