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folling182 Posts: 368

hi guys and girls,
Here in spain recently i have been hearing a lot of "bullshite" about missed calls being charged...
I consider this completly impossible,in the sense that there are a lot of peo
the reason people say that the companies will do this is because a lot of (young)-people,do "missed calls" (just letting the phone ring for one tone)
people are so conviced on this that on the 20th of january all the "believers" of this theory switched off their phones during the entire day!!
I consider this completly impossible,in the sense that there are a lot of people who do not do this kind of missed calls (most adults) so it would be very controvertial,"why pay for a comunication that you havent made"??
i dont no whats suposedly gonna happen in other countries,but i would apreciate peoples opinion on this.

Posted: 2004-01-24 21:11:24
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bionrg Posts: 118

i don't understand what you mean by 'doing' a missed call?

usually over here, some1 with a pre-pay card that hasn't got enough credit left will do a one time ring to a friend that has subscription
to let him/her know that he/she want's to contact him/her.

so simply put a phone company cannot charge missed calls, as they charge by connection time per second...

just think of all pre-pay phone's that have no credit on their card, how are they going to be charged for missed calls?

Posted: 2004-02-24 15:12:45
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gforce23 Posts: > 500

This is crazy stuff. This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-02-24 15:17:43
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masseur Posts: > 500

there was a thread about this recently and it does happen. I'll see if I can find that thread

I did an IT contract for cable and wireless developing their billing system for the Carribean and certainly what is called "air time" does get billed in that region at least
Posted: 2004-02-24 15:23:29
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tranquil Posts: > 500

If a call is diverted from one network supplier to another there will be a charge for missed calls. It's basically a transfer charge.
Could that be the case here?
Posted: 2004-02-24 15:28:47
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georgejason Posts: 63

If Masseur says so ill have to accept that.

otherwise the whole concept is absurd. Companies should bill only on connect.
Posted: 2004-04-02 13:00:24
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701 Posts: > 500

Not quite!
U see, in the US for example u either have companies that will charge u begining from minute 3 (1st 2 mins free) or if u make a half an hour long call ( u have the 1st 20 mins for free) OR u get billed the minute u hear the ringing in the earphone NOT on connecting. This is made to forbbid ppl on making single rings on other ppl like the guy from netherland happens too here, it's like a national sport. Everybody would "beep" ( that's what we call it) every1 and it annoys me to death. I forbidd ppl to beep me and i never call them back. U see, here they don't charge for the beep but the company pays that "air-time" to the comunication ministry anyway.
In Spain, u should call the operator and ask this specific question instead of discussion the "hearsay".
Posted: 2004-04-02 15:23:20
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sodium_808 Posts: 9

when roaming (travelling) aboard a charged can occur for connection or more known as a missed call.

The first time I found this out was in Poland, I would leave my phone at the hotel when I went out and would have missed calls left on the phone, but until I got back to the uk and received my bill I had £55 worth of missed calls I rung t-mobile and they told me that some countries charge for connection or missed call, to which Poland charge 50p for a missed call even if the phone rings and you don’t answer.

But if you answer the call it’s the normal per second/minute billing.

So now I check before I travel with t-mobile if there’s a connection charge within the countries am travelling too and if so I turn my phone off when it’s not with me not to incur the connection charge.

Just as an example a friend of my cost me £5 in missed calls one night when out clubbing, trying to find out where we where in town.

[ This Message was edited by: sodium_808 on 2004-04-02 15:57 ]

[ This Message was edited by: sodium_808 on 2004-04-02 16:05 ]
Posted: 2004-04-02 16:54:42
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~lozishere~ Posts: > 500

i don't think it's fair at all! i mean, yeah, great some one might like paying to listen to a ring-ring sound, but it certainly AINT me!
Posted: 2004-05-02 01:09:14
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bionrg Posts: 118

Well, thats some odd news here guys. I can understand costs for missed call on roaming networks when traveling. But in own country with normal conditions, i havent heard of this before, neither do i see it on my phone bills. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-05-02 03:42:33
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