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gelfen Posts: > 500

review of X70 now at MobileBurn

for the wappers......


My feelings toward the X70 end up being quite similar to those I had toward the GD87 when I reviewed it almost exactly a year earlier. It's a nice phone, does most things well, but just doesn't grab my attention. Doesn't excel enough.

Sure, the display is really nice, the overall design is pretty, and it does most things decently. Heck, it even has Bluetooth. But there are just too many rough edges for me to give it a Highly Recommended rating - a rating it might have gotten if it had spent another few months in the development and testing departments. Perhaps even with further firmware revisions it will get there. But as is, it is a good, modern handset. Just not a great one.

Pros: Nice display, Compact, Bluetooth
Cons: Bugs and Quirks, Poor Camera, Bad IR Placement
Posted: 2004-01-30 02:45:57
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