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General discussions : Rumours : National leave your phone at home day - this Saturday?
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decoy7 Posts: > 500

heard its National leave your phone at home day this weekend, Saturday to be many will be taking part?
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:21:05
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Deanlambert Posts: 466

I'm taking part in national ignore bullshit year. Started about 2 mins ago This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:23:12
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Dj Boyi Posts: > 500

Emergency services will have an easier day then
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:23:22
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mixin Posts: > 500

what happens if i stay at home all day?
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:29:31
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mmsman Posts: > 500

i guess the people that invented this don't have a p9
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:30:47
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o0xskaterx0o Posts: 47

hey that sounds just like err crap! same as forwards claiming its national sex day every other day
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:36:05
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Deanlambert Posts: 466

National sex day. WHEN? This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:38:58
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Dj Boyi Posts: > 500

On 2004-02-06 22:29:31, MixiN wrote:
what happens if i stay at home all day?

nice one mix
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:43:47
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Deanlambert Posts: 466

Your phone will have to go out. But if your home is rented, technically it's not your home so it can't stop there This message was posted from a T300
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:46:46
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mixin Posts: > 500

[ This Message was edited by: MixiN on 2004-02-06 22:06 ]
Posted: 2004-02-06 23:06:26
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