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Sony Ericsson / Sony : General : T69 PICTURES
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Hugo Posts: 3

How do i get them on my t68

only been able to get very small ones on wap. I'm on orange UK

Do i need gprs?

Can some one tell me of software to make my ir port send pics to my phone cause it won't work with just drivers off windows cheers
Posted: 2001-11-19 18:26:00
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badxo Posts: 8

what do u mean u can only get small pictures?? ... have u looked at the logos supplied by this site esato??..
connect using WAP to this address:

and then go to T68' Logo's your way form there.. or unless u know the number for the logo u want (which is found on this site) u can enter it directly and dl the pic.

u dont need GPRS .... thats just a method of connection. GPRS is when u pay by the amount of data u download, and not by the minutes u are online. Oh and also GPRS is NOT available in most of UK until another 2 or 3 months i bet...

[ This Message was edited by: badxo on 2001-11-20 01:08 ]
Posted: 2001-11-20 01:06:00
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Hugo Posts: 3

Sorry I'm not talking about whats on offer.
I mean the abilty of my T68 to show the picture instead of text in a box; i've been able to get a crap orange logo, a cartoon tweety pie and the friends logo. Basiclly only very small pics. Is this a network provider issue, a fault with the phone, or a setting; i've tried empty cache and other wap sites.

you bet wroung on GPRS uk
vodaphone has it
orange launch in december
[ This Message was edited by: Hugo on 2001-11-20 12:17 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Hugo on 2001-11-20 12:42 ]
Posted: 2001-11-20 12:17:00
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Kimi Posts: 293

I hat the same problem. My WAP Browser never showed GIFs bigger than 1200 byte. Today I found out how to do it by comparing my WAP-Settings with the ones a colleague is using:
Go to Menu "WAP-Services > WAP-Settings > Your Profile(swisscom in my case) > Gateway > IP Settings > Data mode".
Check that "conn.oriented" is enabled. "connectionless" doesn't work! Maybe this ist reserved for GPRS?

Since then all Gifs show up on my phone!

Posted: 2001-11-23 14:59:00
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