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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Want to buy a P800 in mumbai,please help!!
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derek Posts: 1

Hi guys,my name is Derek,i want to buy a new P800 in mumbai.......does anyone know whats the best place to buy from??Also i have heard from a lot of friends here that the phone is this true???
Please advise mumbai P800 owners!!!
Btw i have an Orange service priovider.
Posted: 2004-03-12 10:21:27
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mr_peterswift Posts: 6

i can ship you a P900 if your interested, cant get a p800, sorry
Posted: 2004-03-16 18:59:29
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biondo Posts: 21

i have one p800, but i am from slovenia. are you interested?
Posted: 2004-03-24 10:36:47
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