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General discussions : Rumours : K700 S700 on sale on ebay or just fake?
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ado Posts: 2

I saw several times listing of K700 on ebay, but still can't figure out is it fake or not. Ebay closes the auction as soon as they find it, but this may have 2 causes:
either SE don't want this phones on the market before official release date and they just can ask ebay to close the auction, or the sellers are just trying to rip us off and ebay trying to prevent it. Any thoughts?
Posted: 2004-04-06 05:53:11
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kimcheeboi Posts: > 500

Someone's already posted this topic... All you're going to get is a locked thread. This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-04-06 06:55:37
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