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gelfen Posts: > 500

Have a gander at this P900 article by Mobility Magazine, paying careful attention to the photos. bear in mind this was actually published (hardcopy) and available in newstands. make sure yuo read the blurb too.

to be avoided if you are of a particularly sensitive or moral nature.
Posted: 2004-04-23 08:26:51
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masseur Posts: > 500

well it looks like its been airbrushed to remove certain features but yes, a little unexpected but nothing like what you get in people magazine (or those other similar weekly ones that I can't remember the name of)
Posted: 2004-04-23 08:36:24
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the-sly Posts: 3

really hot pictures
Posted: 2004-04-23 09:29:08
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gelfen Posts: > 500

you sick little puppy
Posted: 2004-04-27 01:50:35
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