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gelfen Posts: > 500

You can find Michael Oryl's review of the K700i user interface here at

Note that this UI is also used in the S700 and Z1010.

He seemed generally impressed with the alterations/improvements to the UI, and from his article it seems the UI is approaching that of a PC or PDA. Since there is no overall conclusion for the article, I've just pulled one of the opening paragraphs:

The changes in the UI are not all that major when looked at individually, but when looked at as a whole, they mark a major step in refinement. It appears to me that Sony Ericsson has put quite a lot of effort into looking for the little things that needed changing. While there is an obvious improvement in the quality of the graphical elements, I think it is the small non-graphical refinements that are most important.

The article itself also shows a lot of menu pics.

Gee, does that beat me? I only got two pair - two aces, and another two.

[ This Message was edited by: gelfen on 2004-04-26 04:03 ]
Posted: 2004-04-26 05:02:28
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