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ljf881 Posts: 105

I've searced everywhere but found nothing, except erroneous speculation (like the pictures of the so called z1020). Can someone who knows something just give us some hints of what to expect of the next 3G-phone from SE, and WHEN?

Posted: 2004-06-10 15:43:00
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ljf881 Posts: 105

ok, I'll try to answer myself...

In Eldar's russian
review of the z1010 on mobile-review he mentions autumn for a new 3G-phone and elsewhere I've seen someone write that an "amazing" SE 3G-phone is gonna be released in 2004...
Let's hope for the best.

[ This Message was edited by: ljf881 on 2004-06-11 23:19 ]
Posted: 2004-06-12 00:05:00
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kimcheeboi Posts: > 500

um would that be the s700?
Posted: 2004-06-12 00:09:14
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bico Posts: > 500

No, it wouldn't. The reason is that the SE S700 is not a 3G phone.
Posted: 2004-06-12 00:17:41
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riflogic Posts: > 500

now now, don't start topics about the next 3G handsets being released by . Let them release the 1st one first and then look forward
Posted: 2004-06-12 00:26:33
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ljf881 Posts: 105

c'mon, the Z1010 has been out quite a while here in
Sweden. I think it's too big and I'm not that fond of clam shells. My T610 has been a terrific phone for more than a year now, but it's time to power up.

Besides, this is a rumor thread

[ This Message was edited by: ljf881 on 2004-06-11 23:42 ]
Posted: 2004-06-12 00:41:00
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riflogic Posts: > 500

fair enough
Posted: 2004-06-12 00:58:34
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

It would be logical for SE to release another 3G phone this year, for several reasons. The z1010 has been delayed so many times that it should have been out long before now, thus SE should have been working on a better model for some time now. 3G has only just started to take off and more and more networks are implementing 3G services; in the UK all of the mobile networks should be offering 3G services by the end of this year, thus making is very profitable and therefore sensible for SE to bring out another 3G phone. Since this is the early stage of 3G SE will have a good chance of cornering a larger section of the market if they are able to release at least a couple of quality products early on.
I would be very surprised if SE doesn’t release at least one 3G handset in addition to the z1010 by the end of this year; the market is screaming out for quality products with reliable performance, qualities, which SE embody very well.
Posted: 2004-06-16 07:39:12
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Krubach Posts: > 500

Yes. I totally agree. It's a great chance for to gain some market share in new areas (3G in this case)
Posted: 2004-06-16 11:28:13
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lazarini Posts: > 500

Yes but will they do it there is no sign of new headset will be released ... anyway i will not go to 3g as long the coverage changes in our country (now 25-30%) and even better i dont live in slovenia any more since now im a new born Slovak and im in Bratislava but here even dont support 3g so ill just get a k700 when it comes out here and then course the almighty s700 witch really looks sweet .

regards laz
Posted: 2004-06-16 13:13:55
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