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General discussions : Rumours : Reuters Article confirming some of the Nokia Rumors
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xpx Posts: 79[....]technologyNews&storyID=5392957

ok. please no bashing against nokia here just give your thoughts.
and don't make some dumb idiotic comments.
such as "blah blah another stupid models"

i like SE,Nokia,Siemens,Moto etc...
i love cellphones. ;P

[ This Message was edited by: xpx on 2004-06-11 07:50 ]
Posted: 2004-06-11 08:50:21
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Del Posts: > 500

Interesting, we will just have to wait and see what they bring out.
Posted: 2004-06-11 10:12:37
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bohdan Posts: 138

blah blah, another stupid models

I hope nokia will show something serious and advanced this year because there is no competition now.
Posted: 2004-06-11 10:45:08
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saqibq Posts: 184

Another Shit From Nokia..
Posted: 2004-06-11 12:56:58
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Merovingian Posts: > 500

more crap quality phones from nokia
Posted: 2004-06-11 13:13:25
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mahkoy Posts: 2

it gets frustrating that new mobile phones are comin out considering the one you bought have been using by myriad people and is dlowly getting down the hole..
Posted: 2004-08-06 14:22:11
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