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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: Any T68/T68is and/orT300 with broken LCD- cash paid!
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500


Does anyone have a phone that they've broken, and don't know what to do with it? If so, I might be interested! Preferably phones with problems like a broken screen, mic/earphone problems, broken facias, bits missing. Phones that don't power up are also considered, but I can only offer a lower price for them as they would probably only be good for spares. However, no phones with software faults (e.g. restarting itself, etc.) or damage to the actual PCB. These faults are beyond my current skills!!

I'd prefer colour-screened phones or camera phones, but anything will be considered, including any Nokias (yes, I know!!).

However, I DON'T want any blocked phones, that is, ones that have been reported lost, stolen, or any that have been claimed on insurance, as these phones won't dial out/in.

I can pay via paypal, Nochex, or cheque. Let me know about any other methods.

"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

[ This Message was edited by: Sammy_boy on 2004-06-22 11:44 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Sammy_boy on 2004-06-22 18:37 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Sammy_boy on 2004-08-22 12:52 ]
Posted: 2004-06-22 09:20:52
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

A little bump of this.

Anyone got any of those damaged phones cluttering up draws, being used as paperweights at all?

PM or email me!
Posted: 2004-06-25 17:21:00
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vckay Posts: 67

Umm.. I an curious. How are u going to find out he the broken phone you are going to buy wont have a software problem? Moreover how would u know if the phone is stolen or has insurance claimed upon it? ( Considering that all this would either require you to trust the seller's word or actually try it out WHICH you wouldnt be able to do) This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-06-25 17:51:07
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

@vckay - I'd ask the person questions about the faults on the phone. If in any doubt I'd say no to the phone. I guess there is rather a large element of trust involved, which is quite risky in this day and age!! I'm hoping my trust in human nature won't be totally killed off by some moron pulling a fast one.

And I hope my saying that I'm going to trust people won't mean I'm going to get flooded with a load of stolen phones!!
Posted: 2004-06-25 19:06:20
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vckay Posts: 67

Hehe:-) well all the best to u and hope u dont get scammed! This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2004-06-25 19:14:29
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

And me, I can't afford to be!!!

All funds from repaired phones go to the 'get Sam through his Mental Health Nurse training' fund!
Posted: 2004-06-25 19:24:41
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daeid Posts: 30

you know i actually have a busted ericsson r520m, the backlight does not light up (i broke it playing with a heavy magnet), and i do not think it vibrates anymore (it's battery is gone, but i can power it up holding my t610 battery to the back of it). it is also missing the volume slider.. don't think its anything to extreme, but i do not have the patience to find somewhere to have it repaired, and do not know why i have held on to it.....
it got pretty beat up travelling around europe last year.. and then the magnet incident may have broke the backlight and the vibrations all at once...
anyway if you really want this thing, you can just cover postage. i doubt it is worth much more than that with all its problems..
so maybe one person will reply and maintain your faith in humanity.. if you want the phone its yours.. as long as i don't pay to ship it to you..
Posted: 2004-06-27 01:17:00
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500


Yes, I'd be interested! Just tell me how much the postage will be (Recorded Delivery would be fine - just make sure it's well wrapped in a jiffy bag or something), I might be able to do something with it!
Posted: 2004-06-27 03:08:11
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Merovingian Posts: > 500

@sammy_boy: i PMed you... check it
Posted: 2004-06-27 14:30:11
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stuartdb87 Posts: 468

I pm'd and emailed you.
Posted: 2004-06-27 16:43:00
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