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General discussions : Rumours : Sony-Ericson z500i p910 s710a
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xpx Posts: 79

can you believe it! the P910 looks cool. =)
Posted: 2004-07-09 23:02:59
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bohdan Posts: 138

Yep, this is it
Posted: 2004-07-09 23:26:05
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bart Posts: > 500

wow thank god it looks great. cause the one i saw looked ugly.
woohoo this is what we've been waiting for!
Posted: 2004-07-09 23:27:39
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Atlis Posts: > 500

Any specs known?
Posted: 2004-07-09 23:30:37
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Elrond Posts: > 500

Now 'cos of this I had to must leave wap and get to net.
Posted: 2004-07-09 23:35:10
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bart Posts: > 500

only 3 so far.
still missing a few.
Z500i was know for a long time.
P910 surprizing good looking phone, just love it. i'm getting it nomatter how much it costs. as long as i can have it for xmas
S710 don't see anything diffirent about it.
Posted: 2004-07-09 23:43:53
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Superluminova Posts: > 500

now this a not really that great news is it? a z500 for europe, (nothing new) a p900 with a tiny update looks wise (nothing new) and a s700 for thye USA, boring boring boring
Posted: 2004-07-10 00:24:43
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kasei Posts: > 500

this real or only photoshoped again? This message was posted from a T616
Posted: 2004-07-10 00:31:05
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smellymarq Posts: 63

I must agree with Superluminova, if this is all they are going to show on the 15th then I´m very dissapointed! No supersexy F700 or K900 or whatever they are going to call it!
Posted: 2004-07-10 00:31:14
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Elrond Posts: > 500

I must agree with you guys. I was temted when I saw the title, but now I'm a little confused. It's nothing new, just wanted to see, what the P910 looks like.
Posted: 2004-07-10 00:45:09
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