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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: Nokia 9500
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JJayMobile Posts: 366

Yes looking for the new Nokia 9500.....

Cash waiting......
Posted: 2004-07-29 20:04:19
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fatreg Posts: > 500

Dont we all want one??

i know sure as hell i do!

my 9210 is jsut that wee bit too old now!!

Posted: 2004-08-08 13:26:34
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JJayMobile Posts: 366

I can't beleive that No one has a Nokia 9500..

Some1 must have one.....

Posted: 2004-08-13 19:21:51
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MikLSP Posts: > 500

Is it out?!
I'm pretty sure you can't get 'em over here yet
Posted: 2004-08-13 20:27:00
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JJayMobile Posts: 366

Thanks m8, I was just seeing if anyone had any yet....

Come to think of it....If anyone is from Dubai, can they tell me if it is out there yet, as Dubai is usually one of the first places new phones are released.....

Thanks Guys...
Posted: 2004-08-13 23:34:11
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kimcheeboi Posts: > 500

i think its out in hong kong.
Posted: 2004-08-13 23:39:34
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JJayMobile Posts: 366

Thank you for that update....
You don't know of any shops that sell them....


Posted: 2004-08-13 23:47:28
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kimcheeboi Posts: > 500

note: I DO NOT KNOW HOW SAFE IT IS TO DEAL WITH THESE SITES/INDIVIDUALS!!!![....]821547/index.html?s=1092391627

i think these are backorder, but i know i heard of people playing with the 9500 somewhere!

Posted: 2004-08-14 00:11:45
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JJayMobile Posts: 366


Thank you very much for your efforts....

As the Americans would say...'You are on top of your game'...

Posted: 2004-08-14 00:27:11
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

@jjaymobile - The Nokia 9500 Communicator is due this 4th quarter of 2004 here in Manila ! Though I've seen a guy already selling one (just don't know where he got it, must be a dummy fone from Nokia ) in the Buy & Sell tabloid that we have here, pegged at Php 52K . . . I quite doubt it, after seeing a thread back then, and making some 'calculations' the phone will/must sell around Php 65K-75K in my place, very expensive indeed . . . Good Luck on your search mate !
Posted: 2004-08-14 01:40:47
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