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Market : Mobile phones wanted : XDA2, SPVm1000 or any other bluetooth, camera PDA
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Kingpiin Posts: 18

Looking to trade my p800 with 128meg duo (3 months old replacement phone no packagin but will be well placked. Its been upgraded also with Video camera, Virtual rally registered and loads of other software.) Looking to spend no more than another £50 if trading for P900. (there's not that much difference between them to warrent hundreds more) or preferably an XDA, XDA2 or other pda phone. I could just sell it and take one of the PSV m1000's out on contract...I'll check back!

thanks all!
Posted: 2004-08-25 16:57:38
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gian21 Posts: 1

i have an xda wanna swap your p800 with 128mb memory stick duo?where are you located?

Posted: 2004-11-27 04:38:01
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