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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

A picture of a, as yet unreleased, SE candybar mobile was posted in this thread. The image has been blurred, but, in the best Esatonian tradition, there is still enough information available for some good quality speculation. The following can be extrapolated from the picture;

The mobile has a candybar form.

It appears to be on the small side.

It is silver.

It is probably not 3G.

It bears a passing similarity 9from what I could make out) to the K700.
Posted: 2004-10-31 15:22:57
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh speculation!!

ok then........ if the yellowish area is the screen....... i think it cold be .... if it is we're looking at a low end phone imho
Posted: 2004-10-31 15:25:12
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Can't tell much from the pic!

Posted: 2004-10-31 15:28:33
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

The black stripe at the top right hand of the mobile perhaps indicates some sort of styling in that area. Notice also that the case doesn't have four sides, but possibly six owing to the styling at the top of the mobile, which you can just make out where the blurring effect stops.
Posted: 2004-10-31 15:53:53
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p900 lover Posts: > 500

@axxxr do u have the original pic?

Posted: 2004-10-31 15:57:12
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

not unless he's on mobileburn's payroll too
Posted: 2004-10-31 16:03:25
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

@p900 lover

You would need to contact the chap from mobileburn for that; I think he's a member here. I would imagine that he won't be giving the original picture out since he has taken steps to blur the image.
Posted: 2004-10-31 16:05:53
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amnesia Posts: > 500

sharpened it a bit.


Looks like the K700
Posted: 2004-10-31 16:06:03
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

Since the other two handsets tested in the pictures from mobileburn were both U.S. handsets, and as the lab itself is in America, I wonder whether this could be a handset aimed at the American market.
Posted: 2004-10-31 16:11:21
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Skrue Posts: > 500

maybe its the j200 since the pic was taken before and the part2 of the review was just released i said 'maybe'
Posted: 2004-10-31 16:25:30
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