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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: S700 in New Zealand, under $1000?
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

I am looking to buy a new S700, but its price is stopping me.
Any chance that anyone here can get one to me unbranded for under NZ$1000?
Posted: 2004-11-20 23:25:11
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Leks Posts: > 500

How much is that in us$? This message was posted from a Z1010
Posted: 2004-11-20 23:28:30
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

I don't know what the exchange rate is at the moment.
Posted: 2004-11-20 23:29:30
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Leks Posts: > 500

In aussie$? This message was posted from a Z1010
Posted: 2004-11-20 23:32:39
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

@Leks - it is equivalent to US$711.79

Is this being a bit too hopeful?

[ This Message was edited by: Oh-li on 2004-11-20 22:39 ]
Posted: 2004-11-20 23:32:39
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shaheen Posts: 34

im selling my s700 with a 128mb msd and 32mb msd with full packaging. and im in melbourne australia. all for $850 AUS. which is like 937NZ. i can send it out to you and you just do a bank transfer. i got howardforums feedback. phone is 1 week old as well. got it last weekend

[ This Message was edited by: shaheen on 2004-11-21 03:47 ]
Posted: 2004-11-21 04:46:35
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Leks Posts: > 500

In Sweden new ones is just under 900 USD
Posted: 2004-11-21 12:35:52
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shaheen Posts: 34

900USD???? wat the hell. im selling mine for 600something. not quite sure. 900USD is quite alot.
Posted: 2004-11-22 12:53:28
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