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kenx3000 Posts: 160

I've got the picture from the same source I got my info about next year's market plans and pretty much from the forum, I expected one of these to be K300 that is going to be released

the first picture looks more reliable to me and it does look like similar old SE designs even it might be tweaked a bit which is SE's way of designing anyways

I'm not too much believing the second picture just yet, even if the new codenames are revealed because it still look unreal to me. One of the Code name is surely K300 which of course is a lower-spec phone than K500, so don't expect anything fancy like Bluetooth and Infared or Memory expansion equipped.

If both pictures are actually true, for my guess is the first picture is a new T series but its a descending product of the T series(That's just my guess since it doesn't have any looks similar to K700i or K500i) but I don't think its a high-end nor mid-end product though, because the screen's size isn't what regular mid-end phones are, they're more like the T2XX and T3XX series, but higher specs since its camera equipped. It would meet the low-to-mid markets but surely won't fulfil it with this series(which looks real to me than other old rumours)

The second picture, even though not fully trusted by me just yet, if it was true, then I fully expected of this one to be K300 of the new release since it looks more similar to K500 than the first phone, but who knows I might be wrong.Well, that's all I've got for Esato people, Enjoy the new 2 codenames soon!

[ This Message was edited by: kenx3000 on 2004-12-11 16:18 ]
Posted: 2004-12-11 17:14:33
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whizkidd Posts: > 500

I think this has already been posted earlier. This message was posted from a T230
Posted: 2004-12-11 17:15:50
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bart Posts: > 500

it can't be the K300.
i don't think that Arima (the company that produces the K300) has got the ability to use that UI
Posted: 2004-12-11 17:30:54
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kenx3000 Posts: 160

well I personally didn't get any infos about one of them being K300, but it was a thought of my own. But the new codenames are somehow revealed, and since K300 was the closest in relation, it was what I expected. Not that my thoughts are true, but it was just an opinion. Sorry if I make this post somebit unreliable, because of the pictures, but the new two codenames aren't from me, its from SE.
Posted: 2004-12-11 17:40:57
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folling182 Posts: 368

No offence, but to be a hoax, you are doing a pretty bad job at it...
The first phone is a mix between a t310 and a t610, with a quickshare sticker just like the k700i.
The second one is just like the k500, but longer. This second one is more acceptable,but seeing as the first phone is complete bulls--t, i dont think anyone should beleive that the second will exist either.

Plus, if it isnt going to have IrDa or Bluetooth, why the f--k does it have a quickshare sticker!!!!!!! that is soooooo lame!
Posted: 2004-12-11 18:00:08
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masseur Posts: > 500

already posted a couple of days ago so please continue there

2 new se models - karin & kristina
Posted: 2004-12-11 18:05:43
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