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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: K700i
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SE Rules Posts: 398

Does anyone know where I can get a brand spanking new K700i for around £180 or less...
Cheers people
Posted: 2004-12-17 17:44:24
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MikLSP Posts: > 500

Are u prepared to put up with a Network branded one or do u want one unbranded?
Posted: 2004-12-17 18:32:00
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feco Posts: 245

Buy from me a K700i almost new for 170 pounds


Posted: 2004-12-19 18:46:23
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SE Rules Posts: 398

Preferably unbranded but I would also take an O2 phone, as they dont interfere with the phone too much
Posted: 2004-12-20 15:32:12
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feco Posts: 245

The one that Im selling is unbranded
Posted: 2004-12-20 15:53:39
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mad4mobiles Posts: > 500[....]_lf_li_1_2/026-7707142-4702815

159.99 on orage but a re-flash should debrand it, shouldn't it?
Posted: 2004-12-20 18:23:16
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