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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: cheap/non-working/working R310s (PH)
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jplacson Posts: > 500

Anyone? Working or non-working units. I just need the system connector...hehehe. Post or PM me your phone's condition and how much you're willing to sell it for.
Posted: 2005-01-25 01:27:30
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ThreeX Posts: > 500

I think youŽll be able to find the exact part youŽre looking for.. have you really searched for it? I found a Swedish site last fall that had a lot of OEM spares for many different \\\-phones, the R310s being one of them.
If i find link again i will let you know!

Posted: 2005-01-25 02:01:30
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jplacson Posts: > 500

Thanks so much ThreeX. Let me know. I'm still checking the service centers here. But just in case... I'll probably from multiple sources... just in case I need another one in the future. I can't help it, I love my R310s... and until comes up with an upgrade for it... like a water, dust, shockproof K700... I'll be sticking with this one. Or maybe will buy out Siemens? Then at least the M65 will have support again. (That's a waste... such a new phone and already in danger of having no support)
Posted: 2005-01-25 03:50:56
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