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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: (v800 or 902)
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amnesia Posts: > 500

I'm looking for a V800 (preferably white) or a sharp 902.
I'm hoping that they are unlocked (and can pay 10-20 extra for that)

If you think you can help, thanks.
Cheapest for a V800 I've found so far is 180 pounds.

Although my eye is really on the Sharp.
Posted: 2005-01-27 23:12:19
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alexho Posts: 453

Could u pls tell me where did u find the V800 for £180? I want to buy one!
Posted: 2005-01-28 00:11:19
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themarques Posts: > 500

@amnesia I would go for the Sharp, but if I remember clearley SE is to release a new 3G phone soon.. I think the guy I spoke to said Feb or March..and if I can use the words he told me..."They will blow your mind"

He has been pretty spot on with his info so I kinda hope he is right this time..
Posted: 2005-01-28 01:21:16
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amnesia Posts: > 500

it was someone on the forum who was selling it for 180. As for the new SE phone, I guess I can wait a month.
If SE dont release a hot phone, hopefully the phones I wanted will be cheaper.
Posted: 2005-01-30 01:59:45
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