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Market : Mobile phones wanted : wana trade my p900 with p910i
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< Esato Forum Index > Market > Mobile phones wanted > wana trade my p900 with p910i Bookmark topic Posts: 2

i wana trade up from p900 to a p910i , if someone is willing to trade with me contact me by email ( if someone knows any site or any place in uk that trade mobile phones please tell me.

Posted: 2005-02-17 21:11:03
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djkizlive Posts: > 500

I don't think anybody would want to swap a P910 for a P900, you'd have to give cash on top of the P900 because P910's are worth more!
Posted: 2005-02-17 21:32:49
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of course i would pay money. whoever wana trade with me i will pay him. just tell me how much he wants.
Posted: 2005-02-17 22:52:09
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