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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: All your unused mobiles for a charitable cause
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pimp123 Posts: 172

Hi people,

We have a local project with the youth workers in my town and we are trying to raise money for a youth centre.

I got asked to see if anyone has any old mobiles that no-one uses anymore, broken or working it dont matter

All the money used from the old phones will be put towards some money for a youth centre

I would be very gratefull if people did contribute as it is going towards a usefull idea and good for the community

Thanks alot

Posted: 2005-02-17 22:51:27
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pimp123 Posts: 172

Bump, no-one?
Posted: 2005-02-19 13:07:22
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djkizlive Posts: > 500

I don't think anybody will be willing to donate without any genuine proof that this thing exists. It could very easy be a con to get free handsets.

Show some details about what you want to raise money for and perhaps you'll get some interest.
Posted: 2005-02-19 13:34:44
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Si_V80 Posts: 453

Keiran it is true, il get some proof when we get granted charitable status
Posted: 2005-02-19 13:48:41
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djkizlive Posts: > 500

That's excellent. If it's genuine then i fully support it. Places need youth clubs, because younger kids just end up getting bored, congrigating on the streets, and then turn into the idiots you see around you every day.

It's not their fault.. it's just boredom - if they had something to do in their childhood, they wouldn't get sucked into that sort of a lifestyle.

Best of luck to you with this project.
Posted: 2005-02-19 13:51:31
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