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Bobajobbob Posts: 41

Hi guys, I tried to set up pop Gmail on my V800 but it does not work for some reason and having read around it does nto seem to be a configuration issue on my part but perhaps port blocking on the part of Vodafone. Great. Vodafoen is really conspiring to make me drop 3g pretty soon as they seem to be obsessed with ruining what woudl otherwise be a useful service.

To try to circumvent this I registered for whic seems to allow gmail access in wap format however thsi also doesn't seem to work though the front page is accessible. When I try to log in my pheon tells me somethign si wrong with the page and it cannot open it. Is this another blockign tactic by Vodafoen or has someone else managed to get this service to work on their v800? I am rapidly losing interest in what shoudl be a powerful handset but one which is handicapped in so many ways by the service provider.
Posted: 2005-03-11 13:09:38
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Dragonfly_TP Posts: > 500

nice to blame it again on vodafone... I can download en send gmail from my phone and if it get the V800 that we have here it still works. And yes I can send gmail! using the outgoing server of vodafone. (receiver only sees my g-mail adres)
Posted: 2005-03-11 13:22:45
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Bobajobbob Posts: 41

Hi there, I am pleased to hear that the Pop Gmail works for you. Perhaps you would be kind enough to share with me your settings because I have followed religiously the settings outlined on the Gmail site. I have also enabled pop from my gmail account. It simply does not work and more often than not crashes my phone.

Posted: 2005-03-11 16:28:22
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

ahem.... apart from settings in your phone, are you aware that you need to go onto the PC and into your Gmail account to allow POP3 for your account? Without that it won't work
Posted: 2005-03-12 15:54:42
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Matt^ Posts: 7

Hi,i'm having exactly the same problems. With standard vodafone settings, and with the pop3 gmail setings all configured, i can lof into my gmail account, but when it trys to download the headers it creashes the phone.

Can someone who can use gmail on their v800 post their FULL settings. thanks.

And yes i've changed the gmail account settings to allow pop3.
Posted: 2005-03-14 17:53:18
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Matt^ Posts: 7

Hi,i'm having exactly the same problems. With standard vodafone settings, and with the pop3 gmail setings all configured, i can lof into my gmail account, but when it trys to download the headers it creashes the phone.

Can someone who can use gmail on their v800 post their FULL settings. thanks.

And yes i've changed the gmail account settings to allow pop3.
Posted: 2005-03-14 19:44:39
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

well.... I think it's to do with the encryption. I'va had a look at things and I can't seem to find an option on my V800 that allows you to set SSL encryption.... and this is precisely what Gmail requires.

Anybody have any other ideas? :???? or is this just a dead end?
Posted: 2005-03-15 10:40:23
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Dragonfly_TP Posts: > 500

okay i use a mobile that can handle an ssl connection. I will test it today with a V800 and I tell you later if it works and how.
Posted: 2005-03-15 11:22:44
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Matt^ Posts: 7

There IS an option for SSL encryption on the V800. If you go to email, and create a new account, so you aren't using the standard vodafone one, and then edit the settings of it, theres an option for encryption along with port/username/pop3/imap4 etc etc..

I've tried it without encryption and it doesn't connect to gmail, but with encryption it does connect. I can log into my gmail account, but when it tries to download the headers it freezes.
Posted: 2005-03-16 01:51:01
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

I don't see this encryption option, where exactly is it?
Posted: 2005-03-16 08:43:55
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