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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: Treo 650 or similar
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EastCoastStar Posts: > 500

heyy, im looking for a Treo650 or something pretty similar. i would like to trade it with my iPAQrx3115. please post offers, thanks

also, i have the box, the manuals, the software, and the cable...
it has BT, WIFI, windows media player... and so on... if you want pics, i will try my best... please PM me or reply here...

if u only want cash... maybe... name ur price

or will trade for a US PS2...
[ This Message was edited by: eaStcoaststar on 2005-03-21 08:01 ]

[ This Message was edited by: eastcoaststar on 2005-03-21 08:26 ]
Posted: 2005-03-21 07:49:13
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mutleyboy Posts: > 500

The treo 650 has not been released in uk yet. So wont get one from a seller here, not sure about other countries
Posted: 2005-03-28 17:41:00
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EastCoastStar Posts: > 500

really?!?! its been here for a few months... wow
Posted: 2005-03-28 23:44:16
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mutleyboy Posts: > 500

Lucky you lol im interested in one too. Orange are meant to be releasing it here soon i think
Posted: 2005-03-29 01:48:00
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EastCoastStar Posts: > 500

it might be a month or 2 until i get the money to get one of these... but im so exited about it. i would get the treo600, but i cant live without BT... and the 650 specs are allll better.
Posted: 2005-03-29 05:09:35
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