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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: Swap a Brand New Imate Jam for P910i
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< Esato Forum Index > Market > Mobile phones wanted > LF: Swap a Brand New Imate Jam for P910i Bookmark topic
Valmont1978 Posts: 75

Can't get a handle on the MASSIVE amount of features on this device. I'm completely pants with Windows Mobile and I stupidly sold my P900. Imate Jam is 4 whole days old and comes with all accessories. Only interested in United States as I am based in california.

GSMCellular187@yahoo need not apply because you are not a legitimate business and I'm not going to be scammed.

I will only respond if you speak good english (no offense but it's the first giveaway that your seller is a Romanian scam artist) and can provide a phone number. Do not respond with Private Message. Respond with message board reply.

Posted: 2005-03-24 23:49:21
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roulf Posts: 112

Hi there, i'm in UK but definately interested in the swap, wat u reckon ??
Posted: 2005-03-25 01:02:52
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ether42 Posts: 35

i might be interested let me look up the imate jam see its specs
i live just outside chicago pm me to talk i can give you a # to call me on
Posted: 2005-03-25 08:25:37
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