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luvsanro Posts: 156

Is their any phone that can b used as pc web-cam ?
Or any software that using wich we can make cam fone work as pc web cam?
Wat bout n6230,n6630 ,can they be used as pc web cam ?
Posted: 2005-03-25 12:10:00
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gojnik064 Posts: 167

Yes they can be used as a webcam via BT. There is a software package called BlueCam by some german developer, i think its gluIT. Anyway, it consist of two parts, one for your PC, and a java application for your phone. This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2005-03-25 12:19:33
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Indiandawg Posts: > 500

You need:
- K700 (or compatible mobile)
- a seriell/usb cable, IR or better Bluetooth
- a FTP Account

1. Connect you mobile to the PC and start the K700Wecam Tool
2. Configure the Comport Settings (if you had problems with it try the SetupCOM Tool which you can download on
3. Enter your FTP Account Username/Password
4. if you want to use a subdirectory on your FTP Server enter a directory
5. Enter a filename which the picture should have on the FTP Server
6. Choose the mobile camera directory (it's somethings with camera_semc in the directoryname) - just open the combobox - after open it all directories of your mobile will be shown
7. Now choose the silent profile (for a quiet camera - works only with "unbranded" mobiles)
8. the other things should be self-explanatory

Now you can make a Testrun (makes only one photo and upload it to your FTP Server). You can press "Start Timer" when all works. Your mobile makes now a photo upload it wait the given time and start over again until you press "Stop Timer".


The point FTP Upload is important.

Posted: 2005-03-25 12:34:49
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luvsanro Posts: 156

On 2005-03-25 12:19:33, gojnik064 wrote:
Yes they can be used as a webcam via BT. There is a software package called BlueCam by some german developer, i think its gluIT. Anyway, it consist of two parts, one for your PC, and a java application for your phone.

This message was posted from a Nokia

u mean i can use my nokia 6230 as web cam ?
Plz help me find that java application 4 mobile & bluecam.
Posted: 2005-03-25 17:37:00
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gojnik064 Posts: 167

Well, it should work on every phone that has the required java APIs for BT and camera control. I know that it works on a 6600 and Siemens S65, so maybe it will also work on your 6230 if the required APIs are present. Cant help you find it because I am on wap now. Try typping bluecam on google. This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2005-03-25 18:04:19
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sapporobaby Posts: > 500

It is not a true webcam in the normal sense simply because BT can not support the streaming speeds required. An MMS is almost the same thing without having a constant GPRS connection that is required to be able to connect to the FTP server. Not to mention the costs incurred with the xfer's and rec's of GPRS.
Posted: 2005-03-25 18:19:31
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luvsanro Posts: 156

On 2005-03-25 18:19:31, sapporobaby wrote:
It is not a true webcam in the normal sense simply because BT can not support the streaming speeds required. An MMS is almost the same thing without having a constant GPRS connection that is required to be able to connect to the FTP server. Not to mention the costs incurred with the xfer's and rec's of GPRS.

.Does this mean that a wireless BT webcam cannot function as better as other cabled webcam.
I want to use my phone as webcam 4 chating purpose on msn or yahoo. ;-D
This message is posted from NOKIA 6230.
Posted: 2005-03-25 19:25:00
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sapporobaby Posts: > 500

In short. It will not work in real-time. As I stated, BT can not support the real-time streaming required. USB, or Firewire can handle the bandwidth. If you have a PC already, why bother with GPRS that for the most part can not handle the data speeds required as well. To purchase that software, is a waste of money in my opinion.
Posted: 2005-03-25 19:57:29
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luvsanro Posts: 156

On 2005-03-25 19:57:29, sapporobaby wrote:
In short. It will not work in real-time. As I stated, BT can not support the real-time streaming required. USB, or Firewire can handle the bandwidth.

.Do u mean data cable by "firewire" ? ;-(
Posted: 2005-03-26 07:51:00
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sapporobaby Posts: > 500

Firewire is a data transport technology, such as USB.

In short, forget about using your phone as a webcam. IT WILL NOT WORK. There is no way to transfer the images from the phone to the PC fast enough. If you are using a PC, why bother with your phone in the first place? Get a proper webcam and get better quality.

Posted: 2005-03-26 16:52:04
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