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Market : Mobile phones wanted : z800i trusted seller
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

hi i am wanting to buy a z800i as soon as it is released, i am hoping it will be in the next couple of weeks

knowing the amount of trusted sellers, jiggyjaggy, peterkay, merc_man, the_whizz, i am hoping that some of you may be getting hold of some soon

if anyone will be getting any please get in touch asap with a price in mind or post here


[ This Message was edited by: miss copperfield on 2005-05-03 09:19 ]

[ This Message was edited by: miss copperfield on 2005-05-20 10:45 ]
Posted: 2005-04-22 08:56:43
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

Will do our best for ya miss

Posted: 2005-04-22 10:21:19
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

cheers i would get a v800 if it wasnt on vodaphone, i swore i would never buy another branded phone, and i am going to stand by that decision

what kind of price should i be looking at, when it is released
Posted: 2005-04-22 10:24:19
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

around £300 would be my guess.

Posted: 2005-04-22 10:30:28
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k4m!k4ze Posts: > 500

When did whizzkid become a trusted seller ? for that matter when did he become a seller at all ? I think u mean The_Whizz..
Posted: 2005-04-22 10:32:57
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

thats not too bad i can stretch to that

i hope it gets released soon, i heard 30th April from somewere, and July from somewere else

hope its the 30th April, thats only next week

if and when you are anyone else gets one please post here or pm

Posted: 2005-04-22 10:33:28
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500

we got an email today at work from our suppliers who said the Z800 would be released in MAY (as well as the K750 and W800)
Posted: 2005-04-23 16:06:00
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

lol yep i did mean the whizz, my mistake apologies

higher ground, do you have any idea of a date in may, beginning or the end of may, i will have to have a hunt around for an old brick untill its released
Posted: 2005-04-23 18:25:46
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vanquish Posts: > 500

The V800 can be unbranded by contacting gbrooks3. He offers a full debrand for only 10 pounds.

Alternatively email

But yes, a Z800i would be a nice option
Posted: 2005-04-23 20:35:40
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jagger2k Posts: > 500

On 2005-04-23 20:35:40, vanquish wrote:
The V800 can be unbranded by contacting gbrooks3. He offers a full debrand for only 10 pounds.

Alternatively email

But yes, a Z800i would be a nice option

true but the tacky logos will still be there. lol
Posted: 2005-04-24 01:55:44
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